Thursday, September 17, 2009


you just have to get out of your own way. For example, if you are having some sort of issue and your trainer, massage therapist and chiropractor tells you the same thing--uh, maybe you should listen... Duh. That was an example of one of my former clients regarding stretching. I know that there is a lot of info out there but...if several people are giving you the same advice, maybe you should listen--even if it isn't in "your plan". I see so many people doing things that are counter productive to what they want to achieve. That is why I said that you sometimes have to get out of your own way. It is good to have a plan but plans sometimes need to be adjusted. Pay attention to what is going on with your body, if something isn't working--change it coz what you are doing isn't working! Try something new, you might just be surprised. If the scales aren't moving in the direction you want them to--change up your routine. You body gets acclimated to something very fast and will adapt that as the new normal. That is why you need to change things up--your cardio type, length, speed, etc. That goes for food too--amount of calories, carbs, protein, fat. All of that comes into play when trying to reach your goals.

Maybe it is time to have a look at what you are doing and make some changes.

Change your body, change your life!

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